
Showing posts from May, 2014

More Education is the Verdict

Shannon Anton from NARM sent the grievance decision on my daughters birthday May 24,2014. I received a certified letter in the mail stating that there focus is on Joann to receive more education rather than punitive action. The letter list the things that Joann is to do in order to keep her license active.. I am just now writing this post because I was disgusted by the decision at first but then I told myself how could I be upset about this outcome. I already knew what this grievance was really about I guess the only thing left to do is educate women on the dangers of home birth #signing off one pissed momma

Joann Falcon & Jennifer Konkol's Statements of Birth Incident

These are a few documents that I want mommies to see. These are the statements of the two midwives involved in the death of my daughter Aminah. These statements had to be made by both midwives in response to my complaint. The Missouri Midwives Association peers reviewed these statements and my complaint and asked questions based on the events of the night. Forgive me if the images are to small to read. I tried for a very long time to turn these pdf files into a picture file so that they may be viewed on my blog. If you notice the midwife Joann's statement was only two short pages. Very sad. By the way these statements are the closest thing to accountability with hearing personally how the incident happened that night in the eyes of the two midwives involved. Below are the first two pages of Joann Falcons statement that I did not see until I went to the Grievance meeting. These statements were not given to me by the midwife herself but by Rachel the pres...