
Showing posts from August, 2014

This Midwife is trying to cover up my daughters death

Dead By Homebirth

No one can predict the future. No one knows what tomorrow holds. Life can change in a second. Since Aminah passed I have had a new outlook on life. Loosing a child is hard no matter what the age is. No one should have to loose any child especially not to home birth. Recently I have been networking and I have run into so many women who I use to think just like. I would ask the same questions and dive into everything about home birth that I could get my hands on. If I could change just one girls opinion on home birth that is a delicate gesture towards the death of my daughter. I mean "a gift of gratitude". If I could let one woman know that her decision to home birth is more than just a decision. It's a decision and home birth has become something like a cult. When I say cult  I mean home birth has become something like a movement of people that believe in this dream of natural child birth. Most of the time this movement sway women away from hospitals to indulge in the gi...

Midwifery Confusion

Being a Midwife is a very serious job. Under rated if you ask me. Just the thought alone that a woman has the sole responsibility of helping deliver babies into the world. There is only one problem with this thought. What If your midwife doesn't show up? What is a woman to do? I can tell you one thing, it's certainly not the woman's fault for the midwife being late or not showing up to a birth at all. You must go into home birth knowing just that. Home birth is risky and hospital births are risky to but there is just a bit of a difference. Might I add more people on staff or shall we say "stand by". My problem with home birth is that there is no tracking method. You know? There is no way of tracking your birth through a system. There is no accountability at the beginning of this home birth thing, but by all means if that's what you as the mother wishes for and the family is to have a birth off the meter ( off the radar,) home birth indeed is for you. Home ...