Dead By Homebirth

No one can predict the future. No one knows what tomorrow holds. Life can change in a second. Since Aminah passed I have had a new outlook on life. Loosing a child is hard no matter what the age is. No one should have to loose any child especially not to home birth. Recently I have been networking and I have run into so many women who I use to think just like. I would ask the same questions and dive into everything about home birth that I could get my hands on. If I could change just one girls opinion on home birth that is a delicate gesture towards the death of my daughter. I mean "a gift of gratitude". If I could let one woman know that her decision to home birth is more than just a decision. It's a decision and home birth has become something like a cult.

When I say cult  I mean home birth has become something like a movement of people that believe in this dream of natural child birth. Most of the time this movement sway women away from hospitals to indulge in the gimmick of how safe home birth is and how no interventions are necessary. There is so much material on home birth that it now sickens me and the same books on the shelf that I went to for information on home birth are still out there. The same youtube videos, the same Ricki Lake documentaries "The Business of Being Born." I was so intertwined with the idea of home birth that I forgot that something could go wrong Why? Well, lets say that the risk are not being talked about.

Who should be talking about these risk? The home birth advocates that are pushing women into this direction on home birth. I know that most women that have home birth say that the risk were talked about with them. I pretty sure they were. Did your midwife show you a video of a home birth disaster. Did she tell you about babies that have died in the community at home births. Probably not.  I know that a birth can not be predicted. I wish I would have predicted mine because I would have ran to the hospital and risk having my baby on the side of the road then to sit at home and wait on a midwife that never showed. The point I am getting at is that you don't want your baby dead by home birth.

I always do mention that I did have one baby at home that is perfectly healthy. Meaning if I was having only one baby that night the most I could say is that Thank God my baby is alive because the midwife didn't show up but I was giving birth to twins and things happened differently. I got to keep one and I am grateful for that because I have seen and listened to horrific stories where the mother and the baby are dead by home birth.  

I use to speak down on hospitals as if we don't need them. Even though my daughter still died and the hospital could not save her I would always wonder what the outcome would have been if I decided not to home birth.

Lets not have anymore Dead By Home Birth


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