The Midwife Court System

It's unfortunate the midwives have the satisfaction of having their own court system. Meaning they are the judge, jury, and the attorney. It's not fair it just how the midwife rules go. When something goes wrong with a home birth the parents have the satisfaction of knowing that they will not get a fair trail. There are many home birth disaster stories out on the web and many have not received any justice in their unfortunate case where the midwife was indeed responsible for the death or birth injury of a child. 

The even sadder case is that midwives and government officials see nothing wrong with midwives governing themselves. Of course, I would assume that midwives wouldn't mind having complete control over what happens to their fellow practitioners but in all reality many births have been hidden and swept under the rug. It is no secret that midwives will try to protect themselves from the law. They will do any and everything necessary to make sure that nothing goes to trial and no one is prosecuted. That means even if they have to lie and shuffle around paperwork, and not call your or even return emails they will do it.

Most midwives are so loving and compassionate when things are going right. So nurturing they are, but as soon as something has went wrong and their name is being mentioned in hindsight regarding a death of a child or a birth injury the midwife will change faces. She will become your worst enemy. When my daughter died I was and still am very furious not just because I made the decision to home birth but because I trusted someone who failed me and ran. Her fellow midwife family protected her.They made it possible for her not to show up and face my husband and I at the Grievance Process. Actually the MMA (Missouri Midwife Association) made it very possible for the midwife to not even have to deal with us parents. They helped the midwife run. They did everything in their power to slow up my Grievance Process and they made sure that no punitive action was the outcome although they knew deep down in their hearts that she was definitely neglectful that night.

What is the point here that I am trying to make? There is a whole home birth community out there with many women in it. It is set up like a cult. With online videos, books, TV shows, movies, well known midwives, celebrities that have home birthed and so on that help women make decisions regarding having a home birth. What a mother must know is that certain details have been hidden from you in order to portray that home birth is really safe but in all reality it can be safe and a lot of times it is but things to go wrong at home and just know that if something does go wrong at home there will be nothing that you can do about it because the midwives are governed by themselves and that my friend is a scary situation.

I don't try to scare women out of giving birth at home but I do try to make them aware of the circumstances that they are putting them self in and their unborn child all for the safe of being able to say that a having a home birth was achieved. I'm sorry it's just not worth the life of yourself or your unborn child that you have carried in your womb for so long to have it all taken away in a matter of seconds.


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