For all who don't know me I am the Author of the Blog, "The Midwife From Hell". I go by the name Dreah Louis. I have been blogging since 2013. I created this blog originally for my twin daughter Akilah. I want her to have a piece of her sister through memories of a fight and struggle. I mentioned in the chapter "Home Birth Disaster" , ( how my twin daughter passed away. I have been very active discussing home birth safety and home birth. HB 2189 was very important to me and other families, somehow it was put on hold and pronounced to be brought back to the HOUSE at a later date. Recently, another bill has been introduced to the Missouri House of Representatives, HB804. Kathryn Swan House District 147 Rep. Swan is presenting HB804. The home birth community fears this bill because they feel that it will banish home birth all together. Most midwives will not be able to a...