Reading Home Birth Disater Stories

I sit back and browse the Internet. This evening I decided to type "Home Birth Disaster Stories" into my computer and I was so disgusted. I just don't want to continue to be mad about the near death stories and actual death stories that I read about but if your not mad enough about it then nothing will change. I just can't believe the number of women and babies that are continuing to die all in the name of a "home birth". Home Birth has became more than a trend. It's becoming a way of live even though babies are dying or have had an near death experience. I was stupid for my decision to home birth and yes my stupidity cost me my daughters life. I think to myself to this day how did I trust someone that I really didn't know to come to my home to deliver my babies on time? I beat myself up a lot about it. What's done is done. Now I feel like I have to warn women who may not know about the risk that here are really taking even though I may be ridiculed in the process of getting the message across. 

I continue to tell women that babies should not be dying at home, it just shouldn't be happening but it is. My question is, What are we going to do about it? Continue to let midwives birth babies at home? I think birthing at home away from a hospital is so dangerous. It's dangerous because if something goes wrong you want to act quickly. Although your midwife may be very skilled, she can not do a cesarean at home if you need one to save your baby. I would like to let new mothers know that most midwives are against cesareans and you may be also but if you were in a circumstance where it could save your baby I'm pretty sure you would have one.

 I think a lot of midwives scare women into less intervention when some women need it. Although you may not have a history of complications (this was my situation) this may motivate you to believe that your birth will go fine with not problems. Reading home birth disaster stories made me ask another question. Why are all these women spilling the beans about their home birth but will not inform the public of whom their midwife was. I feel like a lot of women online that have showcased their story ( as I did) are still protecting the midwife for whatever reason. Don't protect the mdiwife! How are you serving the public knowledge if your not willing to serve a public announcement of the person that cause harm to your newborn baby? How are you properly warning other women of the midwife if you fail to disclose the name. 

Many women that have been in my situation may feel embarrassed or simply may still feel responsible for the death of their child all on their own. I don't know what the true reason may be because I decided to let women know about the midwife that was suppose to be my attendant but did not show. I am partly responsible but I am not fully responsible because a midwife is considered to be a caregiver just like any operationing surgeon/doctor at any hosptial.



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