Interview Questionair for Midwife

More questions can be added at anytime but generally you can make a great decision based on the responses and body language from these questions. Some of the steps involve following through.

Here are some questions (in no particular order)

What school did you attend?
Do you carry insurance?
How many infant deaths do you hold?
Are you currently sanctioned?
How many infant injuries do you hold?
How many live births do you hold?
How many singleton births have you attended?
How many multiples births have you attended?
How many water births have you attended?
Have you been late to any deliveries?
If so, by how many minutes?
Where do you live?
How many of your own children did you birth at home?
Do you have a lawyer?
Have you ever been sued while licensed?
How long does it take you to get to a birth when in labor?
What hospital are you partnered with?
What doctor are you assigned/partnered with?
Do you have a office? Where is it located?
How long have you been a CPM, LM, CNM, or CM?
What year did you obtain your license?
Who are your partner midwives "the help"?
Informed Consent Disclosure
Make sure midwife does not have a criminal history
Check with NARM and make sure midwife is licensed before you proceed
Discuss possible emergencies that would involve a transfer?
Where is the transfer hospital?
Who will be the OB that will care for you during a transfer?
Talk about all the risk even possibilities of infant death?
Talk about Grievance Forms
Make sure midwife works with a local lab
Go to at least one birth of another client of the midwife
Ask midwife to provide license
Emergency plan?

Research the midwife and then make an informed decision. When all of these items check out still be extra cautious. Midwife should live very close to you during your pregnancy. You never know when your labor starts how long it will last.

The reason that I say be cautious is because midwives work together. You can indeed ask the midwives all of the following question and some may not be completely honest with you. I know it's cruel to say but midwives work together to hide deaths if you let them. That's the gamble with birthing at home it kind of comes with the territory. The best advice is to find a midwife that you have met from word of mouth. A midwife that has birth people that you know personally. If you can do that then I would pass on the home birth.

Try to find reviews about the midwife that you choose. Sometimes when they get bad reviews they remove their membership so that they can't be found. You want to choose a midwife that has no deaths. That's a good track record.

Here is a basic code of ethics statement is intended to promote quality care for childbearing families and provide guidance for professional conduct in the practice of midwifery. Our code of ethics affirms and promotes:
  1. the intrinsic right of women to give birth as they choose.
  2. practices that enhance the health of the woman and her infant.
  3. childbirth as a normal and significant life event.
  4. the intrinsic right of parents to choose the location and attendants for the births of their children.
  5. cooperation between midwives and other professional and non-professional groups concerned with maternal and infant health.
  6. competence in midwifery practice.
  7. the discovery, encouragement, and training of midwives.
  8. continuing educational opportunities that upgrade midwifery skills.
  9. safe birth practices in all environments and cultures.
We affirm that the professional practice of midwifery includes the following ethical behaviors:
  1. Midwives should at all times maintain standards of personal conduct which reflect credit upon the profession.
  2. Midwives are accountable for their decisions and actions related to their practice of midwifery.
  3. Midwives implement quality standards of practice through peer review, accountability, grievance and continuing education.
  4. Midwives maintain a core of professional knowledge by examination of current practices and initiation of new research.
  5. Midwives participate in the education of midwifery students and the continuing education of other midwives.
  6. Midwives respect and maintain client confidentiality and protect the client's right to privacy.
  7. Midwives use professional judgment when sharing information necessary to achieve health care goals.
  8. Midwives consult and refer as necessary with other professionals, when the woman's need for care exceeds the competencies of the midwife.
  9. Midwives clarify the expectation of mutual responsibility with the client when choosing a course of action and the resulting outcome, including transfer of care.
  10. Midwives practice autonomously and affirm the value of accountability.
We believe that:
  1. competence requires responsibility in our personal and professional lives.
  2. midwifery is a unique profession, distinct from all others and determines the knowledge, skills, and behaviors to be maintained by a midwife.
  3. the practice of midwifery requires adaptation and integration of knowledge and skills into behaviors necessary to a particular context.
  4. the practice of midwifery is dynamic, not static. Rapid changes in the knowledge and skills of midwifery and related disciplines, changes in society, and changes in available health-care resources all force the definition of competence to evolve.
  5. by being competent, midwives assure their ability to contribute to the good of others and to prevent harm while also preserving their own integrity and that of the midwifery profession.

If you have any questions please ask in the comments
The Midwife from Hell


  1. Some additional ideas for the interviewing.

    "What percentage of your clients transfer to hospital care?" - This is similar to your question possible emergencies that would involve a transfer, but it also opens the door to transfer of care that occurred before L&D (non-emergency). Is there any high-risk condition that the midwife would recommend transferring to an OB, or does she feel so invincible that she thinks she can handle any delivery? And if she answers that she's never had to transfer a mother to hospital, you know she's either a liar, or extremely inexperienced, or a gambler who has simply been very, very lucky so far. You don't want any of these for a midwife. If she admits that some fraction of her clients have transferred, then you can ask for more information about the circumstances of the transfer - brief description of the medical reasons, did she stay with the mother during hospital delivery, etc.

    "How many breech homebirths have you attended?" I think the answer to this should be zero.

    "How many other clients will you have with due dates near mine?" and "What is your plan if I go into labor at the same time as another client?"

    1. Those are great interview questions to include. This is something that women need if planning a homebirth. Thank you so much for reading and commenting it means a lot.


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